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IT Equipment Rental
IT Equipment refers to devices such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, wireless routers, mobile phones, and other information technology-related equipment. They are commonly seen in this information age where gadgets like smartphones, laptops, and tablets are readily available and highly adopted by people.
A desktop computer is a computer that is found on top of a physical desk. The main component of a computer includes a display screen, also known as a monitor, system unit, keyboard, mouse, and speakers.
Compared to a laptop, desktop computers are non-portable and generally designed to stay in one location. A desktop computer is commonly found and used in homes, offices, or schools.
A laptop computer is an alternative to a desktop computer as a portable device that can be carried around places easily. A laptop computer has a similar usage purpose to a desktop computer. However, this DC or AC-powered laptop computer has made it generally smaller, easier to be transported, and more conveniently used in temporary spaces such as on trains, in offices, libraries, and at meetings.
Tablets can be reminded of like a small, handheld computer. They are larger than a smartphone but smaller than a laptop. Similar to computers and smartphones, tablets work very much the same way as most electronics do. They have a screen, powered by a rechargeable battery, usually include a built-in camera, and can store all kinds of files.
Since tablets are built for convenience, the entire screen is touch-sensitive. Thus, a mouse and keyboard are not required but nevertheless, they can be connected to it wirelessly. Tablets are often used for gaming, internet browsing, video watching and etc.
A router is a device that connects the internet to the devices in a place. As its name implies, it provides a route for connecting devices and the internet. It is a vital part of everyone's home’s internet network. Thanks to it, our smart devices such as laptops, smartphones, smart TV, and other devices can connect to the home Wi-Fi. However, it must be noted that a router itself does not connect the devices to the internet and a modem is required to close the gap.
With the right kind of router, our devices can enjoy faster internet speeds, get protected from cyber threats and hacks, and avoid Wi-Fi poor reception.
Some of our IT Equipment listings
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1. What should you consider before renting IT equipment?
There are a few considerations that you need to take note of before renting IT equipment:
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